Category Archives: Webcomic

Of Dragons & Party Monsters

Dragons and party monsters. Is that what we have become?

Here are some rough sketches of mine to celebrate the Year of the Dragon!

Hey fellow adventurers and party enthusiasts! 🐉🎉

Gather ’round, for I have a tale that will set your hearts ablaze with excitement and your dance moves on fire! Picture this: a mystical realm where dragons soar the skies, and party monsters roam the lands, all converging for a night of legendary festivities.

The night began with a shimmering full moon casting its silvery glow over the dragon-filled skies. As the first stars twinkled, the dragons, with scales aglow, descended upon the party meadow, turning it into a dazzling spectacle of fire and magic.

Our fearless party monsters, renowned for their dance-floor prowess and extravagant outfits, were ready to groove alongside these majestic creatures. Dragons of all shapes and sizes joined the celebration, from the fiery reds to the icy blues, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that mirrored the aurora borealis.

The DJ, a mythical creature known as the Beatmaster Sphinx, took the stage on a platform hoisted high by friendly flying dragons. The first notes hit, and the crowd erupted into cheers. The ground trembled as dragons tapped their claws, and party monsters spun and twirled in harmony.

Suddenly, a dragon with scales that glittered like diamonds emerged, showcasing its breathtaking ability to breathe confetti instead of fire. The crowd went wild as the confetti-filled gusts painted the night in a riot of colors. It was a breathtaking sight—one that even the most seasoned adventurers hadn’t witnessed before.

Meanwhile, a mischievous party monster named Groovington the Groovy Goblin had befriended a dragon who had a penchant for beatboxing. Together, they formed an impromptu musical duo that had the whole realm bouncing to the rhythm.

As the night unfolded, fire dancers twirled through the air, leaving trails of sparkles that intertwined with the dragon’s breath. Wizards set off magical fireworks that burst into shapes of mythical creatures, and a unicorn-led parade paraded through the enchanted forest.

As the first light of dawn broke, the dragons gracefully took to the skies, leaving behind a realm that had been transformed by the magic of their presence. The party monsters, exhausted but elated, exchanged stories of their epic night with creatures from all walks of fantasy life.

And so, the legend of the Dragons and Party Monsters night was born—a tale passed down through generations, inspiring adventurers and party enthusiasts alike to seek out the magic that lies at the intersection of fire-breathing dragons and dance-floor dominating monsters. Until next time, may your parties be as legendary as the night the dragons danced!

What If We Are Already Upon The Black Hole?

What if our universe is being sucked into a supermassive black hole and we perceive millions and millions of years passing but we’re actually just being stretched out ever so slowly as time dilates and space warps as we approach the event horizon of our forever future?

So what if we are already upon the black hole?

Then let us spiral in an endless waltz toward the light, toward our destiny, toward the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the brilliant blackness and wistful white.

As we see the light will we regret? Will we recall our lives and see them slowly flash before our eyes, a tear seeping as the feelings come flooding back one last time?

Or will we chuckle and with a slurp be siphoned violently into the vacuum, to be reborn as stardust in a distant galaxy?

What if it all is just some cruel joke played by the black gods of Truffledom and the Sabbath, as meaningless as an ant being crushed suddenly beneath the boot of a boorish human? A death drawn out for an eternity as our souls fall towards the black, black hole of nothingness and peace.


Silence and peace at last.

Am I high? You ask.

Yeah, I’m high on life, bruh.

More Stickers & Custom Commissions

Here are more commissions for random online and social media use – some could certainly use a bit of touching up, but who has the time?

Register now! The bird commands you!

This was a late night commission for my brother who enjoys heiling and smashing things. It was a little remote birthday present.

I’ve never seen a swimming sticker, so I made one.

And since there’s a swimming bird, there’s got to be a hiking one! I did this one a few days earlier since I was writing an article on hiking. Or did I dream that?

And a different coloured online button.

That’s all the stickers for now!

Now go forth ChatGPT – hit those SEO keywords!

In today’s digital age, communication has evolved beyond the traditional written word. The rise of messaging apps and social media platforms has brought with it a wide array of expressive tools, and stickers have quickly become a popular form of communication. These tiny, colorful icons play a significant role in modern conversations, offering users a fun and creative way to convey emotions, ideas, and personal style. Let’s delve into the importance of stickers in chat and how they have enriched our online interactions.

  1. Emotion Enhancement: Words can sometimes fall short in expressing our emotions accurately. Stickers bridge this gap by providing a visual representation of feelings. Whether it’s a heart-eyed emoji to show affection, a laughing face to share humor, or a sad face to convey sadness, stickers help users connect on a deeper emotional level.
  2. Universal Language: Stickers are a universal language that transcends linguistic barriers. They can be understood by people of various cultures and languages, making them a valuable tool for global communication. A smiley face or a thumbs-up sticker can convey positivity and agreement regardless of one’s native tongue.
  3. Personalization: Chat stickers offer a unique way for users to personalize their conversations. From animated characters to custom designs, stickers allow individuals to express their personality and style. This personal touch can make interactions more engaging and memorable.
  4. Visual Storytelling: Stickers enable users to tell stories or share experiences in a visually engaging manner. Instead of describing a funny incident, you can use a sequence of stickers to narrate it more effectively. This adds an element of entertainment and engagement to your conversations.
  5. Entertainment and Fun: Chat stickers add a sense of fun and entertainment to conversations. Whether it’s sending cute animal stickers, humorous memes, or themed stickers for special occasions, they make chatting more enjoyable and less formal.
  6. Efficiency: Stickers can save time and effort when conveying common expressions. Instead of typing out a long response, a simple sticker can communicate the same message in a fraction of the time. This efficiency is especially useful in fast-paced chats or when using a mobile device with limited typing capabilities.
  7. Branding and Marketing: Businesses and brands have recognized the power of stickers in promoting their products and services. They create branded stickers that users can incorporate into their conversations. This not only enhances brand visibility but also fosters engagement with customers.
  8. Creativity and Artistic Expression: Stickers are a platform for artistic expression. Many artists and designers create unique sticker sets that users can download and use. This allows for an exchange of creative ideas and supports artists in showcasing their talent to a broader audience.
  9. Memorability: Using stickers can make your chats more memorable. The visual element of stickers can leave a lasting impression, helping recipients recall and cherish the conversation long after it has ended.
  10. Community Building: Sticker sharing often becomes a bonding experience among friends and online communities. Inside jokes, shared interests, and unique stickers create a sense of belonging and shared culture.

In conclusion, stickers in chat have become an integral part of modern communication. They offer a versatile and creative means of expression, helping us convey emotions, share stories, and connect with others on a deeper level. Whether you’re sharing a laugh, expressing your personality, or promoting a brand, chat stickers enhance the richness of our online interactions, making them more engaging and enjoyable. So, the next time you chat, don’t forget to sprinkle some stickers to add that extra splash of expression to your conversations.

Good lord, ChatGPT! You’ve really outdone yourself.

Sticker Commissions Anyone?

So I discovered a fun new form of commissions – personalised stickers for chat apps like WhatsApp.

Why type words when you can express yourself with custom stickers!

I got on the topic with a friend about relationship red flags and they joked about aborting ASAP (the relationship, not the baby), and I was inspired to come up with this silly abort sticker.

Another friend was hitting the gym at midnight when there was no one around, so I hit him up with this. Oh yes, he is also a new daddy so this is the only time he can sneak out for a workout.

But yes, questionable face.

And dredged up an old commission, which will now live on in sticker format!

In the digital age, our lives are inundated with emojis, GIFs, and memes. But what if I told you there’s a whole new way to express yourself on WhatsApp, one that’s tailor-made to tickle your funny bone? Welcome to the wacky world of personalized sticker commissions!

Remember when you had to rely on a good old “LOL” to convey your amusement through text? Well, those days are long gone. Thanks to the power of technology and WhatsApp, we’ve entered the era of stickers, and people have taken it a step further by commissioning their own, tailor-made laugh-inducing mini-masterpieces.

Imagine texting your friend and, instead of just using the classic thumbs-up emoji, you send them a sticker of your face with a thumbs-up, complete with your best goofy grin. It’s the epitome of personalized messaging, and it’s taking WhatsApp by storm.

So, why are personalized sticker commissions so funny? Let’s break it down:

  1. Inside Jokes Galore: When you and your best friend have a library of shared inside jokes, you can turn them into stickers. Imagine sending a sticker of that embarrassing moment from last summer’s vacation – instant hilarity!
  2. Your Quirky Expressions: We all have unique facial expressions, like the “why-is-this-happening” eyebrow raise or the “I-can’t-even” eye roll. Now, you can immortalize these priceless expressions as stickers.
  3. Daily Life Humor: From spilled coffee to tangled headphone wires, life’s little absurdities can be transformed into stickers. Instead of describing your morning mishaps, just send a sticker of it!
  4. Pet Antics: For pet owners, this is a goldmine. Capture your fur baby’s hilarious antics and turn them into stickers. That way, you can send a sticker of your cat wearing a sombrero to brighten someone’s day.
  5. Doppelganger Delights: Have a celebrity look-alike or a doppelganger? Create a sticker that hilariously highlights the resemblance. Bonus points for including a caption like, “Guess who’s texting you today?”

But there’s more to personalized stickers than just laughs. They’re a symbol of creativity and self-expression. It’s like carrying your unique brand of humor in your pocket, ready to unleash at the right moment.

As WhatsApp users around the world embrace this Sticker Renaissance, commissioning sticker artists has become a cottage industry. Talented artists are offering their services, turning your ideas and images into hilarious digital gems.

Of course, there are some considerations when diving into the world of personalized sticker commissions. First, choose your sticker artist wisely. Make sure they understand your vision, so you don’t end up with a “smiling” banana when you requested a “smirking potato.” Next, be prepared for your stickers to take on a life of their own – they might become viral sensations among your friends and family.

Personalized sticker commissions have truly revolutionized the way we communicate on WhatsApp. They add humor, uniqueness, and a touch of whimsy to our digital conversations. So, next time you’re sending a message, don’t be surprised if you find yourself laughing at a sticker of your own face pulling off a sombrero-wearing, eyebrow-raising, side-eye-rolling masterpiece!

Yes yes, thank you ChatGPT.

Anyway, I’m here for your silly personalised sticker needs!

Curious Caged Creatures in Humming Crystalline Cases of Glass

I used to be mesmerized by the curious caged creatures in humming crystalline cases of glass.

With boyish wonder I would attempt to interact with these captured critters, this mini zoo, to make them dance for me, to scatter and scamper into another corner only to return to the same spot. There was no malice, simply amusement and a sense of sadness, for even as a boy I knew the fate of these ocean chums, as unattractive as they were.

Did they deserve to be trapped here, kept alive to behold their captors and slavers, to behold their buyers and devourers, their final destination?

Now as I gaze back into these same sad tanks for doom, all I see is an old folk’s home, and not much of a home at that. I see decrepit aged fatigued fish, with tattered fins and bones, eyes glassed over, lips gulping the same dank air and sterile bubbled waters as their forefathers.

Soon the temperature will be turned up, their meat will be put to the heat, and they will truly see no more.

Is that to be our fate too?

At least then they will be free of their physical prison, free from the glass zoo, free to swim into the sky above.

As I gaze in, I wonder if it is they or if it is us that are the curious caged creatures in humming crystalline cases of glass, staring out into the big open world, singing songs into the dull waters around us that no one will ever hear.

Please Enter More Security To Update Your Security

The amount of security that is creeping up on us is becoming a little alarming. Also you don’t realised how much branding there is in every sentence until you have to expunge every-wait…Gmail isn’t trademarked, is it?

Anyway, take a number.

We’re going to be here a while.

At some point, all this security is going to be so cumbersome it will defeat the purpose of the technology in the first place. We might as well go back to carving things in clay and stone, like what the hipsters are doing now!

Give me your gramophone, grampops – it’s time to crank out my lo-fi study house beats!

So the only way to fight technological tyranny and excess security is to return to ye olde mechanical steampunk apparatus?

That’s Probably A Fetish Somewhere

I’m sure you’ve seen the odd shirt with some nonsensical message in a foreign language, or foreign to someone else at least. Have you witnessed any Chinese calligraphy inks that have strange or downright inappropriate messages? Well, that’s probably a fetish in China or something.

Just like wasabi on the erogenous zones probably is. I totally made that up on the fly, but now that I ponder the slogan, it…would not surprise me at all. Not much surprises me anymore these days, except maybe the Spanish Inquisition.

Now I’m curious what strange fetishes are out there that people have innocently printed on a shirt, or better yet on their skin.

And how many people have gotten a tattoo not knowing that shit was forever?

Surely wasabi doesn’t sting when you apply it to your skin or other parts of your body, right?

Dayum, now I’ve got to try this shit. Be right back.

Slapping on Silly Slogans

I was half-listening to a podcast when the host suddenly started railing off misquotes and slapping silly slogans on things, which made me think about what meaningless drivel I could impose upon my hapless viewers?

Might make for a half-decent advertising campaign, you never know.

Actually, that’s exactly how I imagine the brainstorming sessions for these top-level madmen-style corporate media companies going.

“Hey, how about this ridiculous sounding thing?”

Raucous laughter.


“That’s…let’s do it!”


What wacky words would you whack onto a T-shirt?